Coming to our pages today is Maia who, from the very beginning and through her various studies, shows that her thing is to help society in general and her fellow man in particular.


My name is Maia Klaus Kutz, and I was an AMUM scholar in 2018. Back then, I was very clear that I wanted to be a police officer and much of my life had been spent preparing for it, signing up for martial arts classes, reading criminology books, and focusing on getting good grades since criminology has a high cut-off score. It was at that time when I learned about AMUM and its scholarships for young people like me, and thanks to that money the first year of college was much more pleasant financially and has allowed me to finish my degree without any problems. But not only that, but having received this scholarship, has given me the opportunity to participate in several events organized by AMUM, besides having met great women, always willing to help, and I have been able to witness all the things they try to do for women, and all that they fight for all of us.  Today, I have a degree in criminology, and I am about to finish the master’s degree in equality and gender at the UMA, however, my goals have changed, and I have preferred to continue studying a completely different career and next year I start a career in nursing, as these years of study and learning have made me change a little in what profession I want to turn everything I know.